I believe in process. I believe in four seasons. I believe that winter’s tough, but spring’s coming. I believe that there’s a growing season. And I think that you realize that in life, you grow. You get better.
Steve Southerland
Dear Photo Diary,
I am sorry that I have ignored you for so long. It feels like winter has been long and harsh, and quite colorless.
It has not really been a lot of snow around here this winter, but when there was snow on the ground it made the day a bit brighter. Swedish winters are so dark it’s depressing. I wish I could’ve traveled somewhere else from November until the end of February. But I couldn’t, so when we got a little snow I tried to enjoy it…
A friend and I took a wonderful walk through the forest with her borrowed dog.
The walk ended by the lake, when the sun set (in the afternoon).
Another day went out to the Archipelago of Stockholm, to do an interview there. Before I started working I talked a bit with the ducks in the harbour.
They didn’t have much to say though, except that they were hungry and displeased with me for not bringing any snacks…
And when it comes to birds, I am looking forward to hearing them again when spring comes. It’s the first sign of spring, bird song in the mornings. For now, I just know they’re out there by the trails they left on the balcony…
And of course the food we left out is gone.
One morning the tree outside our window was visited for several hours by a flock of beautiful Bullfinches. The male is red, and the female mostly gray, and it’s been a long time since I saw one last, so this sight made me very happy.
Another bird sightseeing:
Flamingo in Snow, I call this photo.
Also, I cooked vegetarian one day:
And the boyfriend made sour dough bread:
According to him Dan Lepard’s book is the best one on this subject matter.
Of course there was colors too, but the theme of these photos was “winter without colors”, so I picked according to that. I think we should end with this some colors though, because this photo features one of winter’s (indoor) joys:
What was winter like where you are?